Sakunda Anggarini, Edy Tya Gullit Duta Pamungkas, Wignyanto Wignyanto



Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan kombinasi antara konsentrasi sodium metabisulfit yang digunakan dalam larutan perendaman dan penambahan maltodekstrin untuk menghasilkan puree bawang merah terbaik secara organoleptik. Selanjutnya analisa sifat fisik dan residu sulfit dilakukan pada hasil kombinasi terbaik tersebut. Dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok, faktor konsentrasi sodium metabisulfit yang digunakan untuk perendaman bawang merah yaitu 400, 500, dan 600 ppm. Adapun faktor penambahan maltodekstrin yang digunakan sebanyak 0,4, 0,5 dan 0,6% (b/b). Analisa menunjukkan bahwa hasil terbaik diperoleh dari kombinasi perlakuan perendaman sodium metabisulfit dengan konsentrasi 400 ppm dan penambahan maltodekstrin sebanyak 0,4% b/b. Hasil terbaik tersebut mempunyai beberapa karakteristik fisik yaitu rendemen 94,8%, kadar air produk jadi 86,22%, total padatan 13,58% dan viskositas 133,086 cp. Hasil analisa residu sulfit menunjukkan konsentrasi sebesar 73,53 ppm.

Kata kunci: Bawang Merah, Maltodekstrin, Puree, Sodium Metabisulfit


The aim of this research was to find out the combination of sodium metabisulphite concentration was applied in the soaking solution and additional of maltodextrin in order to yield the shallot puree with the best organoleptic characteristic. For further, the analysis of physical characteristic and sulfite residue will be performed toward the result. Using Group Randomized Design, the factor of concentrations amount of sodium metabisulphite in the solution was used to soak the shallots were 400, 500 and 600 ppm. While the maltodextrin additions were 0.4%, 0.5% and 0.6% (w/w). The analysis demonstrated that the best product was resulted by combination of treatments of soaking with 400 ppm sodium metabisulphite solution and adding of 0.4% (w/w) maltodextrin. Physical characteristic of that result was indicated by several parameters, those were 94.8% of yield, 86.22%of moisture,13.58%of total solid, and 133.086 cp of viscocity. It also showed the sulfate residue in amount of 73.53 ppm.

Keywords: Maltodextrin, Puree, Shallot, Sodium Metabisulphite


bawang merah; maltodekstrin; sodium metabisulfit, puree

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