Penilaian Kinerja Supplier Kemasan Produk “Fruit Tea” Menggunakan Metode FANP (Studi Kasus di SInar Sosro Gresik)

Silvia Paramita, Usman Effendi, Ika Atsari Dewi



Supplier merupakan salah satu bagian supply chain yang sangat penting dan berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup suatu pabrik. Pemilihan supplier yang tidak tepat dapat mengganggu kegiatan operational perusahaan, sedangkan pemilihan supplier yang tepat akan meminimalkan biaya pembelian, meningkatkan daya saing pasar dan kepuasan pengguna akhir. PT Sinar Sosro Gresik mengalami permasalahan terkait dengan supplier yaitu adanya ketidakstabilan kinerja yang ditunjukkan dengan ketidaksesuaian jadwal pengiriman dan kualitas. Permasalahan ini terjadi terutama pada supplier karton FTE, botol PET dan tutup botol. Penilaian kinerja supplier penting dilakukan di PT Sinar Sosro Gresik agar kinerja supplier dapat dikontrol dan ditingkatkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi dan menentukan bobot kriteria penilaian kinerja supplier dan mendapatkan peringkat kinerja supplier menggunakan metode Fuzzy Analytic Network Process. Kriteria penilaian kinerja dilakukan dengan pendekatan Dickson’s vendor selection criteria yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi perusahaan meliputi kriteria quality, delivery, flexibility, responsiveness, price, sistem komunikasi dan manufacture. Hasil penilaian didapatkan kriteria price sebagai prioritas tertinggi dengan bobot 0,2683. Peringkat kinerja tertinggi supplier karton FTE, supplier botol PET dan supplier tutup botol adalah PT K2, PT B1 dan PT T1.

Kata Kunci: SCM, purchasing, kriteria Dickson’s, FANP


Supplier is one of important part in supply chain. Selecting inappropriate suppliers can disturb the manufacture operational’s activity, whereas selecting the appropriate one can reduce the purchasing cost, improves competitiveness of the market and the satisfaction of end-user product. PT Sinar Sosro Gresik faces some problem about instability suppliers performance showed by inexpediency delivery and quality. This problem occurs especially in suppliers of carton FTE, PET bottle and bottle cap. Assesment performance of suppliers is important so that performance of suppliers can be controlled and improved. The purpose of this research is to identify and determine the weight of the criteria in suppliers assessment performance and attain suppliers performance rank using Fuzzy Analytic Network Process method. The criteria of assesment performance is did by Dickson’s vendor selection criteria approach that is adjusted with manufacture’s condition include some criteria such as quality, delivery, flexibility, responsiveness, price, communication system and manufacture. The assesment result is price as highest priority criteria with of weight 0,2683. The highest performance rank in carton FTE, PET bottle and bottle cup suppliers are PT K2, PT B1 and PT T1.

Keywords: SCM, purchasing, Dickson’s criteria, FANP


SCM; purchasing; kriteria dickson's, FANP

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