Pengaruh Tekanan Suhu dan Penambahan Suplemen Metal Ion pada Fermentasi Etanol oleh Zymomonas mobilis

Sakunda Anggarini, Maimunah Hindun Pulungan, Wignyanto Wignyanto, Nur Hidayat, Irnia Nurika, Azimmatul Ihwah



Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh suhu fermentasi dan penambahan suplemen metal ion terhadap pertumbuhan Z.mobilis serta mengukur kemampuannya dalam menghasilkan etanol. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan dua faktor, yaitu suhu fermentasi (30, 34, dan 38 °C) dan penambahan ion logam dari senyawa garam (Kalium dikromat, Magnesium klorida, dan Asam borat). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu saat fermentasi dan penambahan suplemen ion logam memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan sel, total gula reduksi, dan kadar etanol. Pertumbuhan sel tertinggi sebesar 0,753 NTU dengan penambahan kalium dikromat pada suhu fermentasi 38 °C. Total gula reduksi terendah sebesar 789,97 mg/ml dengan penambahan Asam borat pada suhu fermentasi 34 °C. Kadar etanol tertinggi sebesar 2,234% dengan penambahan kalim dikromat pada suhu fermentasi 34 °C.

Kata kunci: gula reduksi, ion logam, kadar etanol, tekanan suhu tinggi, Zymomonas mobilis



This study was aimed to find out the effect of fermentation temperature and metal ion supplement addition towards the growth of Z.mobilis as well as to measure its capability in producing ethanol. This research was conducted by using the randomized block design with two factors namely fermentation temperature (30,34,38 oC) and metal ion supplement addition of Potassium dichromate, Magnesium chloride and Boric acid. The result showed that temperature stress and metal ion supplement addition had significant influence on cell growth, total reducing sugar, and the amount of ethanol production. The highest cell growth was 0,753 NTU with Potassium dichromate addition at fermentation temperature of 38 oC. the lowest total reducing sugar was 789.97 mg/ml with Boric acid addition at fermentation temperature of 34 oC. the highest ethanol production was 2.234% with Potassium dichromate addition at fermentation temperature of 34 oC.

Keywords: reduction sugar, metals ion, amount of ethanol, temperature stress, Zymomonas mobilis


reduction sugar; metals ion; amount of ethanol; temperature stress; Zymomonas mobilis

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