Lulu Dian Anggraeni, Panji Deoranto, Dhita Morita Ikasari



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat kepentingan setiap atribut berdasarkan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan mengetahui tingkat kepuasan konsumen berdasarkan metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Penelitian ini menggunakan bauran pemasaran 7P yaitu Product (produk), Price (harga), Place (tempat/lokasi), Promotion (promosi), People (orang), Process (proses), dan Physical Evidence (bukti fisik). Berdasarkan diagram kartesius, atribut yang masuk pada kuadran I adalah atribut yang kinerjanya perlu ditingkatkan dan dilakukan evaluasi tiap bulan agar mengetahui keinginan dari konsumen. Atribut yang masuk dalam kuadran II adalah atribut yang perlu dipertahankan kinerjanya dan sudah memuaskan konsumen. Atribut yang masuk dalam kuadran III adalah atribut yang memiliki prioritas rendah dan kuadran IV adalah atribut yang dianggap kurang penting oleh pelanggan tetapi kinerja restoran sudah sangat baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan konsumen secara menyeluruh (berdasarkan nilai CSI) sebesar 0,66 dan terletak di rentang nilai 0,66-0,80 yang menunjukkan bahwa indeks kepuasan pengunjung adalah kriteria “Puas”.

Kata kunci: CSI, IPA, persepsi konsumen, restoran


The purpose of this study was to determine the level of importance of each attribute by Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and know the level of customer satisfaction based methods Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). This study uses marketing mix 7P namely Product (product), Price (prices), Place (where / location), Promotion (promotion), People (people), Process (process), and Physical Evidence (physical evidence). Based on the Cartesian diagram, the attributes that go in the first quadrant is an attribute whose performance needs to be improved and to be evaluated every month in order to determine the wishes of the consumer. Attributes included in quadrant II are the attributes that need to be maintained and its performance has been satisfactory consumer. Attributes included in quadrant III is an attribute that has a low priority and the quadrant IV are the attributes that are considered less important by customers but the performance has been very good restaurant. The results showed that the overall level of customer satisfaction (based on the value CSI) of 0.66 and is located in a range of values from 0.66 to 0.80 indicating that visitor satisfaction index is the criterion of "Satisfied".

Keywords: Consumers perception, CSI, IPA, Restaurant



CSI; IPA; persepsi konsumen; restoran

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